Constitution and Policies
The current WCA Constitution (linked above) was last amended in the 20th Century.
Our current
constitution is over a quarter of a century old, and recent changes to the
ACT Associations Incorporation Act require some amendments as a minimum. The
committee proposes updating our constitution in line with the "Model Rules" for incorporated associations
established by the ACT Government.
The draft Constitution linked above will be discussed at an open meeting of all WCA members on Tuesday 11 February 2025. Following this consultation, we aim to
present a new Constitution for adoption at our AGM in April 2025.
Members are encouraged to read the draft new constitution and explanatory notes.
If you have any questions or
comments, either come to the meeting on 11 February, or submit them to
watsoncommunityassociation666@gmail.com so they can be included in the discussions.
WCA Policies (linked above) cover:
Watzon Newsletter Advertising
Political Event Notifications
Financial & Budget
Recognition and Awards.